The Ontario Society of Collection Agencies held their two day annual conference in Niagara Falls last month. Katia Acciarresi, President of OSCA, hailed the event as a great success. "In today’s current marketplace, the importance of a unified voice to meet changing trends is more valuable than ever. OSCA is recognized by business partners and regulatory bodies as a professional organization that provides a balanced approach to the needs of the collection industry and consumers on a provincial and national level."

A prevalent theme during the conference was a focus on compliance and the importance of always being pro-active. Acciarresi emphasized the need for membership, both current and future and to always be forward thinking, "… the climate has evolved steadily over the past decade and the premium that is placed on compliance and privacy protection will continue to be paramount."

Closing remarks at the conference in 2007 and 2008 were given by Brian Pitkin, Ministry of Consumer and Business Services, Government of Ontario.

Jawad Rathore and Vince Petrozza of Phoenix-CRMC presented at the last two OSCA conferences. Rathore spoke on the need to "focus on substance over style. It is not about writing every deal but writing the right deals. As a manufacturer, our customers expect us to create an effective product that can integrate smoothly into their business processes. We need to deliver quick revenue results with complete privacy and protection for our institutional and agency clients."

Following the presentation by Phoenix-CRMC to the attendees in 2007, Mr. Pitkin commented, "…I really liked Phoenix’s presentation (to the OSCA members)… successful use of their products necessarily requires the industry adopt practices that meet regulator expectations for compliance."

At the 2008 conference, Pitkin again re-iterated the need for focus on sound business practices and vigilant attention being paid to compliance in all aspect of process.

These themes have even greater importance with the changes to the current credit granting and recovery landscape. Kathy Milne, president of the Credit Association of Greater Toronto, emphasises the importance of raising overall skills.

"Financial education is the primary focus and needs to become a part of our national curriculum. There is no substitute for knowledge" said Milne. "Integrity and strict adherence to laws and regulations is an absolute must if you want to be taken seriously and be respected amongst not only your peers, but your customers as well."

About Phoenix-CRMC
Phoenix-CRMC Inc. is a boutique financial services company offering customised recovery and funding solutions to the credit granting and collection industry.

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