Grand Rapids, Mich. – WebRecon CEO Jack Gordon announced today that the company has secured a stream of state lawsuit data from around the country that will greatly enhance the search process for company clients. WebRecon is currently loading thousands of state, county, city, even small claims FDPCA lawsuits into their litigant database, and will continue to add them as they are filed all over the United States.

This is relevant because there is no easy way to gather non-federal lawsuit data. The few services that currently offer FDCPA litigant scrubs now rely primarily on PACER to build their databases. PACER exclusively offers federal lawsuit data. However, a very significant percentage – perhaps as much as half – of all FDCPA lawsuits never make it to federal courts.

Adding this new stream of non-federal lawsuit data will greatly enhance the WebRecon client experience of segregating repeat litigants from collection databases.

From the start, WebRecon LLC has been an innovator in providing FDCPA scrubs to the collection industry. Clients have several options to search the database, including:

  • By individual query to search the litigation history of plaintiffs, attorneys or defendants.
  • By batch, with near-instant results 24/7.
  • By proactive monitoring (warehousing) so they are automatically notified when their debtors file suit against anybody.
  • By spreadsheet, downloading and working with the lawsuit data locally

Additionally, WebRecon has the industry’s most comprehensive litigant database, incorporating Fair Credit Reporting Act, Telephone Consumer Protection Act, Truth in Lending Act, and dozens of other credit and privacy related statutes, as well as their state-specific counterparts in addition to FDCPA suits.

WebRecon allows clients to search for litigants by social security number, name and geography.

For a free thirty-day trial, collection agencies, law firms, debt buyers and creditors are encouraged to contact CEO Jack Gordon at (616) 682-5327 or

About WebRecon LLC (
Creditors and collection firms use WebRecon’s services to easily segregate predictably litigious consumers from their databases. A significant percentage of consumer litigation is initiated by the same consumers over and over again, and screening them out of the general population can reduce lawsuits by as much as a third.



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