NMS Communications a leading provider of applications and platforms for value-added services, announced that Ontario Systems, the market leader in collection software solutions, is using NMS’s Vision VoiceXML server to provide innovative and powerful features in its Verified Contacts right-party contact system to make its customers even more productive.

Ontario Systems’ Verified Contacts system uses dialing and interactive voice response technology to increase right-party contacts. As the predictive dialer senses an answer on an outbound call, the interactive voice response functionality uses pre-recorded messages in conjunction with the Vision server’s text-to-speech technology to speak the contact’s name to ask for the account holder or party responsible for the debt. With this functionality, Ontario Systems’ applications can quickly validate that the right person answered the phone, increasing an account representative’s opportunity to collect a payment or a promise-to-pay or to resolve customer satisfaction issues on an account.

NMS’s Vision VoiceXML Server provides operators and application providers like Ontario Systems the ability to rapidly develop and deploy new, innovative voice and video applications for IP, PSTN and 3G-324M networks and quickly assimilate new features such as text-to-speech–enabled functionality within their interactive voice response applications.

“Ontario Systems’ collection software is key to the productivity of the more than 55,000 account representatives at the top healthcare and financial services companies in the country who use our collection software every day,” said Doug Allgood, Ontario Systems’ vice president of research and development. “A leader in its field, NMS has been a trusted partner for enabling technology for many years. We’ve come to count on the high performance, scalability and reliability of its products and innovations like the Vision servers that allow us to enhance our offerings with features that deliver more value to our customers.”

“Ontario Systems is a leader in the collections software industry, with solutions like the Verified Contacts system that help their customers improve productivity and increase profits,” said John Orlando, chief marketing officer for NMS. “This is just one example of the types of high performance interactive solutions that are made possible using the Vision VoiceXML server.”

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