Montana State University (MSU) recently announced the award of a one-year contract for collection of accounts receivables to The Affiliated Group (TAG).  The contract may be renewed for a total of seven years.

A request for proposal (RFP) was issued by MSU in April 2008.  TAG was one of 14 agencies from across the country who responded. 

TAG has recently stepped up efforts to secure their niche in higher education collections. 

“We are thrilled to work with Montana State University and look forward to the experience we will gain from working with this fine institution,” said Mark Neeb, TAG’s President and CEO.

About TAG
The Affiliated Group, Inc., started business in 1923 as a local credit bureau, but quickly expanded and evolved throughout the years to become a full service accounts receivable agency located in Rochester, Minnesota. With over 100 employees, The Affiliated Group is a quickly growing business specializing in the recovery of all types of debt and provides collection services for a whole spectrum of businesses – from Fortune 500 companies to the U.S. Government. For more information about The Affiliated Group, contact TAG at 1-800-223-0290, via email at or visit

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