RESNO, CA – Capital Debt Settlement (CDS) and Legal Helpers, the largest Fair Debt Collection Practices Act enforcement law firm in the country, have recently formed an exclusive partnership in order to protect CDS clients from being harassed by Collection Agencies.

In 2008 alone, the nationwide network of Legal Helper attorneys filed more than 40,000 cases against collection agencies they believe violated the law and achieved millions of dollars in settlements and litigation awards.

"This partnership is of tremendous value in that it will add some real ‘teeth’ to our settlement and customer service efforts," said David Henson, President of CDS. "No one should be subject to abusive or deceptive collection practices. This service will give a whole new layer of protection to our clients and may even be a source of revenue for some."

Capital Debt Settlement clients will have automatic access to the Legal Helpers attorney team. Fees earned by the Legal Helpers attorney network come exclusively out of awards and settlements achieved. There will be no out of pocket expense for Capital Debt Settlement clients.

For more information, visit

About Capital Debt Settlement:
Millions of Americans are burdened by high amounts of credit card debt, but the experts at Capital Debt Settlement are here to help. They can organize debt repayment so borrowers pay less than they currently owe.

Capital Debt Settlement is a comprehensive debt management company helping consumers across the country deal with intolerable amounts of credit card and other unsecured debts. Through years of experience, they have developed turnkey negotiation and creditor management processes that assist in either reaching settlements or reducing monthly payments, fees and interest rates for clients’ unsecured debts. Their debt settlement and debt management strategies can help customers nationwide successfully get their finances back on track.

Reaching out for help is never easy when you’re in debt. The team at Capital Debt Settlement recognizes the fear all of their clients go through when they make their first call. They know being in debt is tough, so they will do whatever they can to provide smart, informative and affordable financial planning.


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