Gavin Gee, Director of the Idaho Department of Finance, announced earlier this week the issuance of a Cease and Desist Order against Cohen, Powers, and Stone, an unlicensed collection agency holding itself out as being based in St Louis, Missouri.

The Cease and Desist Order also names Adam Conner and Associates, together with Ronald Justice, Mary Waters, and Jim Rich. “None of these individuals or entities are licensed to operate as a collection agency in Idaho,” stated Gee. “What’s worse is the way Cohen, Powers, and Stone treats Idaho consumers.”

According to Gee, the individuals named in the Cease and Desist Order unlawfully threatened criminal prosecution and used aggressive and unlawful scare tactics against an Idaho consumer, who contested the validity of the alleged debt. “The Idaho Collection Agency Act and the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act prohibit such unfair debt collection tactics,” said Gee.

The Idaho consumer who lodged a complaint with the Department recorded the conversations she had with the debt collector. According to Gee, “this provided the Department of Finance with “great evidence of the unlawful debt collection tactics.”

Gee said that although state and federal collection laws do not erase legitimate debts, such laws prohibit debt collectors from engaging in threatening and unfair methods of debt collection. “Collection agencies are required to deal openly, fairly, and honestly, and only with a license, when collecting debts in Idaho,” said Gee. “Legitimate collection agencies do not use lies and harassment techniques in their collection activities.”

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