by Patrick Lunsford,

International collection giant IntelliRisk Management Corporation (IRMC) is set to open its first collection call center in India this month, according to a story in the Indus Business Journal.

IRMC has 10 offices in the US to go along with two in Canada, two in the Philippines and one in the UK. The company currently employs just shy of 6,000 people.

The new office, to be located in Noida, India, will employ 350 people and will initially focus on early-stage credit card collections and work with CD and book clubs.

IRMC CEO Vikas Kapooer told the Indus Business Journal that the India facility will allow for greater flexibility for IRMC’s clients. For instance, a customer can have IRMC employees in the Philippines, the United States and India. If they ever wanted to shuffle those numbers ? or stop work altogether? in any of those offices, IRMC would be able to accommodate. He added that his company already segments its call center work. This means that call center customers are not automatically routed to operators in India or the Philippines ? they go to where IRMC’s clients want them to go.

This alluded to another recent announcement from IRMC heralding the launch of the Cisco Unified Contact Center within the enterprise. Cisco claims that with this technology, IRMC will have the ability to manage call routing from its headquarters and will have a single view into all its service and support processes.

Next Article: IRS Readies to Start Private Debt Collection ...
