Janice Ledden, owner of beleaguered Columbus, Ga.-based Cobra Collection Agency, is missing – at least according to a local television news station.

InsideARM reported in June that clients were charging Cobra with stealing money that should have gone back to its clients

In June, Columbus TV station WTVM reported that a local ophthalmologist’s office had been left high and dry by Cobra as it awaited a monthly payment from the collection agency. Agencies generally send their clients a check after deducting its percentage.

The checks from Cobra, however, never came.

Since June several other local businesses have claiming fiscal impropriety on the part of Cobra and its owner, Janice Ledden. Now, WTMV is reporting that it appears no one is working at the collection agency’s alleged location – and Ledden herself appears to have abandoned her home.  WTVM reports that “newspapers [are] piled up and windows and doors [are] covered in plastic.”

Repeated attempts to contact Ledden and Cobra have been unsuccessful.

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