Large ARM firm I.C. System, Inc. announced today that it will not renew the lease on its Mason City, IA, branch office location which is set to expire in 2013.  Due to excess capacity, the company will relocate the business currently being performed in Mason City to other corporate locations.

“The outstanding, consistent results generated by our employees in the Mason City branch have been greatly appreciated.  We have been an active and proud member of this community since first arriving here in 1989.  We thank the people of Mason City for partnering with us for over 23 years,” said Barb Erickson, Chairman & CEO of I.C. System.

“The ending of our lease at our Mason City branch office in 2013 presented I.C. System Executive Management with a difficult, yet straightforward decision.  As our nearly seventy-five year history demonstrates, we don’t frequently come and go from communities.  But downturns in the economy have created excess capacity which will prevent us from renewing our lease in this fine community,” said I.C. System President John Erickson.

Opportunities for I.C. System employees currently located in Mason City are available in other locations.

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