Researching information on new products or services can be an expensive and time consuming pursuit.  Inevitably, it involves looking through a service directory or buyer’s guide – either online or in print. Essentially, these resources are lists of companies and contact information, organized by category, and that’s where it ends. There is no additional context or second level of criteria you can use to narrow your search. And these lists are updated – at best – once per year.

The Products & Services section on is a new kind of online guide. It uses the industry-specific search engine of, and like any other search engine, you can search for information by any keyword combination you wish – you are not limited by a pre-determined index of categories. The results are based on information posted on companies’ websites, not on a one-size-fits-all list of categories from which suppliers “self-select.”

As one who previously managed the Directory on (the predecessor to, I can tell you how difficult traditional directories can be to keep current and accurate so they are useful. We have waited two years to launch a Products & Services resource we felt would be worthy of the effort.

The Products & Services “universe” contains approximately 1,000 hand-picked websites of companies that supply the accounts receivable management industry with products & services, such as collection software, skip tracing, IVR, dialers, payment processing, and debt collection. Every publicly-available page of each website is indexed; our results point you directly to the page on the supplier’s website that covers the information you want.

The new search engine can be accessed directly at Enter your desired search term or phrase. Once you receive results, click on the Products & Services tab (located just above the results list) if you wish to omit news and other information sites from the results, and focus only on service providers.

Give it a try! I’d welcome your feedback or suggestions for improvement.

Stephanie oversees all operations for Kaulkin Ginsberg. She has more than twenty years of experience in operations management and consulting, both for start-ups and large established firms. She can be reached at 240-499-3806 or by email.

Next Article: Welcome Tax Season
