Former computer hacker and CEO of LIGATT Security, Gregory D. Evans, has invented and launched a new service to combat call evasion. SPOOFEM.COM is an online program that allows anyone to change the number that appears on another person’s caller ID. It also includes features like voice disguising, call recording, and text messaging from a different number.

This program is geared toward collection agencies and law enforcement, but is open to anyone. Want to catch a cheating spouse? Does someone owe you money but won’t accept your calls? Do you value your privacy and don’t want to inadvertently give out your phone number? SPOOFEM.COM is perfect for you.

SPOOFEM.COM is just the latest in a long line of reliable necessary security equipment invented by Evans, an African American former computer hacker. Evans designed SPOOFEM.COM when someone who owed him money was ignoring his calls.

SPOOFEM.COM callers can change their Caller Identification Number (CID) so that their number will show up differently on another person’s caller ID. Other features include spoofing text messages, which shows a different number or name of the person sending the text. Voice changing does just that, changes your voice. You have the choice of changing your voice to male or female. The conversation can be recorded and then emailed to your personal email address. SPOOFEM.COM lists everything from law enforcement, to collection agencies, to jealous boyfriends and girlfriends as customers of this type of service. “Currently, we have several celebrities and athletes using our service,” Evans confides. It is a perfect fit for anyone who values his or her privacy in this information age.

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