Bridgeforce, the industry’s recognized thought leader for collections strategies and collections technology optimizations, announced today the launch of their ground-breaking new Collections Marketing Center (CMC) Subsidiary. In the planning stages since 2002 and initially launched in October 2006, CMC is the industry’s first completely virtual, automated collections agency (patent pending) with easily customizable applications capable of processing many types of past due debt including credit cards, mortgage payments, healthcare receivables, telecom and utility bills, and an array of others.

CMC is a licensed collections agency that combines the proven strengths of several industry leaders’ into one easy to use collections service.

  • Innovative collections strategy, analytics, & operations management
  • Pioneering online collections
  • Sophisticated automated messaging
  • Robust data center operations and back-office management
  • Plus connect to live professional agents

While others claim to be able to offer similar services, no one has yet integrated all these new collections channels and the appropriate analytics to optimize them.  Far beyond a concept, CMC is in production with portfolios from five customers, including a Top 5 Retail Card Issuer and are currently collecting on credit card, retail card, healthcare, and legal debts.

“We are pleased to announce the launch of our Collections Marketing Center Subsidiary” says Bridgeforce CEO, Dawn Willey.  “After almost a decade of helping to design and launch many of the industry’s leading collection solutions, Bridgeforce is excited to offer the latest collections innovations through one easy to use collection agency service”.

CMC takes a complex solution and makes it easy to operationally deploy.  There is no upfront investment or costly integration for new clients, allowing new programs to be set-up within days and not months. CMC’s services are priced on a commission or per-account basis similar to other agencies, eliminating the guesswork of comparing technology costs to operational impact.

“For some time, only a handful of the world’s largest banks have benefited from the application of new technologies in analytics, calling technologies, automated messaging, and web-based collection techniques.” says Collections Marketing Center CEO Matt Scarorough. “Now through CMC, a much broader cross-section can take advantage of the best practices of industry leaders at a substantial discount over traditional collection agency services.”

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