The Columbus Dispatch Saturday ran a letter from the Ohio Receivables Management Association that offered an alternative view of the debt collection industry in the wake of an investigative series launched last week by the paper.

The Dispatch began a series titled “Credit Scars” last week that is focused on consumer credit reporting. But many of the entries have been critical of the ARM industry and the role it plays in consumer credit reporting issues.

Lee Jacobs, President of the Ohio Receivables Management Association – ACA International’s state unit for Ohio – submitted a letter to the editor which the paper ran Saturday.

Jacobs notes that there is a tremendous gulf between the actions of legitimate debt collectors and those that operate as rogue players in the industry.

“Just as all doctors, all lawyers or all people aren’t the same, neither are all debt collectors,” writes Jacobs. “Most are committed to professionalism, training and customer service. When it comes to the rogue collectors, we want to help put them out of business just like consumers do, because they taint those who choose to follow the rules.”

He also notes that using gross consumer complaint numbers against debt collectors can be unreliable, since the numbers as-reported often do not paint an accurate picture of the industry.

The entire letter, titled “Most debt collection agencies play by rules” can be read on The Dispatch’s web site.

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