Kaulkin Media, through its flagship Web publication insideARM.com, announces the launch of a special editorial series on consumer complaints against accounts receivable management firms.

The Complaints Issue will be the first in a series of topic-focused content offerings dubbed “The Big Issues.” The series will feature articles, opinion pieces, infographics, videos, training & educational materials, and other types of informative content. Over the coming weeks, insideARM.com readers will learn more than they ever thought they could know about debt collection complaints.

“Our original reporting and coverage of ARM industry news changes every day and we recognize the importance of breaking news content to our audience,” said Michael Klozotsky, Managing Editor of insideARM.com.  “But we also perceived a lack of any in-depth, continuing content being produced on topics of real consequence to the credit and debt collection industry.”

Complaints against ARM firms and professionals are the stick pins used to skewer the debt collection industry like some exotic butterfly. Constantly referenced in the mainstream media, complaints against collectors have steadily increased over the past few years, according to data released annually by the Federal Trade Commission. But, as always, there is much more to the story, and all one has to do is dig a little deeper to reveal some misconstrued facts.

For example, the category of complaints that increased at the highest rate between 2007 and 2009 involves debt collectors failing to properly identify themselves on phone calls or written correspondence. Dubbed a “mini-Miranda” violation, failure to identify accounted for more than 21,000 complaints in 2009, up a staggering 1,612.5 percent from just 1,200 in 2007.  While mini-Miranda may still be violation of FDCPA, it’s certainly a technical violation.  But rather than investigate the actual harm done to consumers, most regulators, critics, and cranks choose to zero in on the percentage change rather than its real effects.

As a practical extension of insideARM.com’s mission to shift the public conversation about the ARM industry, The Complaints Issue will explore the subject of debt collection complaints beyond the standard headlines and conventional wisdom.  It will approach the topic from a wide range of insightful perspectives across the ARM industry.

The Big Issues format also speaks to insideARM.com’s dedication to bring the most credible news and information to the credit and debt collection industry.  And The Complaints Issue is another key ingredient in Kaulkin Media’s effort to lay out its goals in public.

“Almost any college student with a laptop, internet connection, and a rudimentary understanding of Google alerts could profess to run a collection industry news site/clipping service,” said Klozotsky.  “insideARM.com’s standards are higher, and our experienced team works hard to produce intelligent, creative, and credibly sourced information vital to ARM business owners and front line employees alike.”  Klozotsky continued, “The Complaints Issue aims to be an innovative departure from anything currently being published in the ARM industry.”

insideARM.com’s loyal readers will still get the best and most timely news on a daily basis through The ARM Insider email newsletter. But now there will be more substance on the topic of complaints.

For more information about The Complaints Issue visit http://www.insidearm.com/thecomplaintsissue/.

To complain about insideARM.com please contact Michael Klozotsky, Managing Editor.

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