Stratagem Portfolio Services and InfoCentricity announced they have signed an agreement for Stratagem to leverage Xeno, InfoCentricity’s online analytic and strategy platform, to support Stratagem’s Strategy Director and QueueScore solutions.

Strategy Director is a hosted lifecycle risk management and collections strategy solution that combines Xeno’s world class analytic capabilities with Stratagem’s strategy consulting expertise. The partnership enables Stratagem to conduct portfolio segmentation and create powerful strategies that allow clients to manage lifecycle risk decisions across credit portfolios and optimize collections treatment strategies to improve profitability and yields.

InfoCentricity and Stratagem have also combined efforts to develop QueueScore, which is a first-of-kind real time and inline scoring capability to be deployed on BEAM™, the sophisticated ARM/collection software platform developed by Beam4D Enterprises.

“We are excited to be working with the team at InfoCentricity, whose analytic experts read like a who’s who in the history of credit scoring and modeling. Working with InfoCentricity’s talented team and leveraging the power of Xeno will enable Stratagem to continue creating exciting new solutions like QueueScore in the collections and debt market, and to deliver world-class lifecycle risk solutions like Strategy Director to niche markets that require deeper insights,” Jeff Bernstein, Stratagem’s CEO, said yesterday.

“We are looking forward to building a strong relationship with Stratagem. Our businesses are very complimentary and both companies are dedicated to offering clients the most innovative collections and analytic solutions. By combining InfoCentricity’s analytic expertise and the powerful capabilities of Xeno with Stratagem’s deep knowledge of the collections and debt recovery space, we are confident that we will be making a very positive mark on the industry,” added Chris Frothinger, InfoCentricity’s CEO.

About Stratagem Portfolio Services

Stratagem Portfolio Services provides scoring and strategy tools and services for financial institutions, debt purchasers, collection agencies and others to enable more effective decision-making on credit accounts. The company’s Strategy Director service allows clients to optimize portfolio treatment strategies and decisions by sending data to Stratagem’s hosted service where they create predictive and decision analytic components designed to provide optimal treatment recommendations. Strategy Director provides a mutually agreed, pre-defined collection action set and/or score for each valid and complete customer record. Stratagem provides monthly performance reporting as well as client risk management consulting. The company also provides more traditional consulting services in credit risk, collections, and credit risk management.

Stratagem Portfolio Services is headquartered in San Rafael, CA. For more information, visit or contact Jeff Bernstein at 415-259-6660.

About InfoCentricity
InfoCentricity is an analytic solutions company that can help you easily discover and leverage key insights hidden in your data. Our Xeno product line and our consulting services are designed to make powerful, predictive analytics easily accessible to businesses. Xeno is a powerful, user-friendly online software platform delivering advanced analytic capabilities for a wide range of industries. Because Xeno is available online, your system can be up and running immediately, creating powerful predictive models and strategies without the costs and delays of software installation and integration. We also offer a full range of analytic services from custom model development to complete analytical outsourcing. Our collaborative approach and our dedication to complete knowledge transfer set us apart from other analytic services firms. Both our Xeno product family and our consulting services leverage the broad experience and deep expertise of our world-class analytics team to solve your business challenges.

InfoCentricity is headquartered in Novato, CA. For more information, visit or contact Amir Tabassi at 415-493-2090 x201.

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