The Minneapolis Star Tribune, most famous in the ARM industry for running a scathing series on debt collectors called “Hounded,” ran an Op-Ed defense over the weekend of the debt collection industry from a collection attorney.

William G. Cottrell, of the Cottrell Law Firm in suburban Minneapolis-St. Paul, took issue with the paper’s coverage of the ARM industry in its series, so he wrote a rebuttal of sorts and sent it to the Star Tribune’s editors. He begins his piece: “It has been frustrating to read “Hounded,” the Star Tribune’s series about the consumer debt collection industry. The series is basically a one-sided editorial, reflecting the writer’s view of what goes on in that world.

Cottrell then does a fantastic job of pointing out where the paper misses the mark in its coverage, mostly centered around the ARM industry’s use of the legal system to collect debt.

Read the entire piece at

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