SAN FRANCISCO — LiveVox Inc., the leading provider of hosted-dialer solutions, today announced 100% call recording of all inbound, outbound, preview and manual calls with dynamic retrieval options for quick and easy access to recordings. The solution enables speech analytic functionality with the ability to record separate channels (in stereo) allowing credit and collection organizations to determine whether the agent or the consumer is speaking.

Recording Mandates
Two factors are making call recording more important to debt collectors. First, more creditors are mandating their agency partners record all calls. Second is tighter regulation — such as the recent New York City Local Law No. 15, which requires 100% call recording or randomly transcribing 5% of calls.

While some dialers provide bolt-on recording solutions for predictive dialing, agencies have been forced to buy expensive third-party call recording solutions for inbound and manual calls. LiveVox records all inbound and outbound calls (predictive, right-party scripting, manual and preview) as a standard part of its hosted solution at no additional cost. This solves the problem by plugging the gap of PBX calls. 

“Call recording is important to the collection arena, but the tool is differentiated by storage and retrieval — how easily agencies can access the exact calls they need,” said Louis Summe, Chief Executive Officer, LiveVox. “Our dynamic retrieval function allows managers to quickly locate and play the recordings they need from a single, unified hosted-dialing platform. Agencies now have better tools for training, compliance and creditor requirements, without expensive third-party solutions. This is another example of how LiveVox can rapidly respond to meet the changing business needs of our clients.”

Dynamic retrieval functionality
The ease and specificity of retrieval are crucial to fully leverage call recording for training and compliance. The web-based GUI call recording portal of LiveVox enables managers to quickly search recording libraries by numerous parameters such as campaign or call center, account or phone number, date ranges, specific agents, specific call result codes or any combination of variables.

Separate recording channels
More than simply providing an audio record for playback, call recording solutions must capture separate channels to facilitate speech analytics. This enables the solution to differentiate whether the consumer or the agent is speaking at a given time or even at the same time — a feature especially important to credit and collection organizations.

“Agencies need call recording to satisfy client needs, reduce complaints and increase positive call outcomes without having another complex hardware system to manage. The promise of speech analytics, which is enabled by stereo recording, is exciting as it captures actionable data within the calls,” said John McNamara, Chief Marketing Officer, LiveVox. “A tough economy means more consumer complaints, heightened litigation threats and fewer high-score accounts where a positive outcome is critical for competitive rankings and profits.”

About LiveVox
LiveVox is the leading provider of hosted dialer solutions for the credit and collections industry. Breakthrough, patented technology and deep industry knowledge allow LiveVox to assist clients with optimizing their operations and collection strategies. Private, carrier-grade VoIP networks enable LiveVox to maximize the productivity of leading credit, collections, debt purchase and call center organizations at the lowest cost of ownership in the marketplace. LiveVox is headquartered in San Francisco. For more information, visit

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