VISTA Consulting, a Georgia-based debt collection consulting firm, has released States of Confusion: A CD-ROM Guide to State Collection Laws.  This CD-ROM-and-book resource is the first well-researched, affordable, easy-to use reference for collection professionals looking to create a rigorous program of compliance with the laws that govern their work.

States of Confusion: A CD-ROM Guide to State Collection Laws is a painstakingly thorough examination of collecion laws in the 50 states and Washington, D.C. There’s a  thorough discussion of several critical concepts in law, such as contracts, statutes of limitations, judgments, garnishments, community property, joint and several liability, and many others topics.  Specific state laws are referenced alphabetically by state in text form and then in tabular form by topic.  Legal remedies, homestead exemptions, exempt property, mini-Miranda requirements, statutory language, rules on aliases, and many other categories of restricitions are presented in meticulous detail on 50 easily-referenced full-page charts.  These text summaries and charts are also found on the CD-ROM for easy duplication and distribution to collectors who need them in their daily work.  In addition, all laws referenced are cited so that the collection professional can quickly look them up for himself in state codes and regulations, to verify facts and keep abreast of changes.

Christopher Coelho, the author and president of VISTA Consulting stated, “Too many collectors and even managers aren’t clear on the concepts behind these state laws, much less on the laws themselves.  Too many managers and owners can’t afford to pay hundreds of dollars for cumbersome, incomplete guides that don’t do the job.  And no one can affort to spend hundreds of hours researching this information for themselves, or summarizing it for collectors.  Now everybody can have easy access to the tools they need to remain in compliance, even on a shoestring budget.  I fully expect States of Confusion: A CD-ROM Guide to State Collection Laws to become the industry standard reference in very short order.”

VISTA Consulting offers vision-based and results-oriented consulting services to the receivables and collection industry.  For further information, or to request an interview with Mr. Coelho, visit or call (678) 745-0056.

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