I’m the new product development manager at insideARM.com. What does that mean?

Well if this were a hotel and you were the guests, my job would be to make sure that your visit is comfortable and fruitful. Having trouble getting around? No problem, I’ll make sure you’re getting the access that you requested (or paid for). Require additional services? Let me know what you need and if something is missing I’ll see what I can do for you in the mean time.

I also have more involved tasks of enhancing the overall experience of visitors. Community-building is one example. Like a conference hall in the hotel lobby, could this be a space for like-minded executives and consultants to share ideas and network?

So in the hotel world maybe my job is part manager, part concierge, part interior decorator, part maintenance.

One of my priorities is to simplify things. There’s a lot of information out there for the ARM industry; only some of it is relevant to you, your prospects and existing customers. This leads to a couple of dilemmas:

1. How do you find and share the information that is important to you without being overwhelmed with less relevant details?

2. How do you effectively communicate your company’s news and announcements amid the clutter?

As for (1), insideARM.com is probably the only place online where you can get up-to-date industry news and analysis delivered in context. And as for (2), the delivery method of choice has been the e-newsletter.

Our new Custom Newsletter Builder solves these dilemmas.

We’ve put together an incredibly simple application to build a newsletter that neatly integrates your choice of company information with an a la carte selection of news and analysis. All you have to do is upload your logo, paste information that you want to communicate, and then select from the news and analysis content from a series of checkboxes. Presto! You have a newsletter formatted in HTML and also accessible online.

To deliver your newsletter, you can use your company’s existing email system or choose from a variety of hosted solutions (we use SparkList/Lyris for ours).

It’s free so you might as well give it a test run and see whether it’s something that has potential for you. If you experience any problems with the application or just have general feedback to improve the service, let us know.

As for your product development manager, I’ll check in every once in a while with announcements of product launches, advice from a technology perspective, and maybe some occasional prose on how I’m feeling (today I feel fine).

Thank you for your patronage and I hope you enjoyed your stay. Please feel free to email me with tips (or suggestions).

Next Article: Bankruptcy Collectors Say BusinessWeek Paints Fuzzy Picture
